Oh what a day, what a lovely night!

 I saw a dream about how I was or was not responsible for bad things happening to other people. I was ignoring weird coincidences that if true were warnings to not do some things. Like dont go down the stairs. OH BUT YOU DID! now Olga's pet [raven] will die!! Oleg opened the door when I rang and was like Who the hell wants something, and saw me and I asked can I see Olga and he said She doesnt want to see you [right now]. I felt it was understandable and said OK. In this dream people, Olga especially, knew I was ignoring the warnings. As I was descending the steps of my school (with a Veestrel vibe) I've ignored that (sorry Olga I loved you). Also she was my friend or something! How nice!
The guilt of being responsible for so many bad things persisted throughout the dream and I addressed it twice of more, trying to recall why I am feeling that way. And it turned out to be its because I didn't do the quirks/did something my OCD advised me against. ANd then i felt marginally better. BEcause what if they were true and I was wrong???!!! then i DID kill all of those! [animals?] [goldfish and raven?]. the What If of it all was really unsettling.
Plus - I had a strong feeling of What if If i ignore the "signs" ~I~ will do somehting bad? like hurt an animal of mine?? Have a real bad anger explosion?? I have rhe same fear/ocd fear right now. and at other times.

A dream where I am in the grand-bedroom. There are many things. Some are for trash. I try to keep the ones I care about and i think they are CDs not only.

Also a dream with A.!!! in a big mall. I was waiting for her at the icecream emporium and tried to text her that. But I didn't and she didnt't come
But it was so nice being near her.


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