
Showing posts with the label under ground

Ay Caramba or something

 skateboard! i can ride skateboard! and it has rubber wheels so i can ride it at home and i do! i am not falling. I can even stand/balance on it with my eyes closed  our (new?) house has a cellar, i need to dig, we've bought this old house. Sam also had theirs, and theirs has it all clear, a tunnel to the caves. i dig until i come into the presence of a Christian cave. many statues of J and M. a stove. at first I think maybe i should forehead touch the statue of J. when i decide not to, a fear of the cave starts to slowly grow on me. it's normal and Christian and shouldn't feel like there's something very evil there. but i feel it. it might be just my sick head, i know that. when i get out(i decide to not dig further. i stopped uncovering the caves, the secrets, after I've encountered christians, and was too scared to dig deeper, to a real ending, real answers), it is on the lake shore, no lake, forest, i want to tell my mom, ofc, and at the same time feel it would