A Gardener

 all the impractical plant pots, small, medium, big, ive collected are outside stacked on top of each other, kinda in columns separated by the sizes of pots. and i finally can come pick them up and USE them. It feels a bit strange to stand under our neighbours windows, under my balcony. 

While im at it i need to pick up the coco soil. 

There are nuns, passing by. Lots of ppl, not only nuns. They dont mind me. I dont feel threatened.

All the little unusuable (Bc pots are made of some mesh, circles, spring colors) skills ive acquired are now ready to be used, can be used

also before that i was smoking small, relatively, thing cigarettes, looked self made. Not by me. I was doing deep inhales, but not right away, shallow first. But fast anyway. Rushed. I couldnt believe how long the cigarette lasted, and how long it wasnt extinguished. It barely seemed like smoldering in the end, but it was! and a good amount too. (memory recovered during the smoking in the bath scene in Riding a Bullet by S King, seeing it for the first time)

Is it about my game? 


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