dream about dahmer, with a beard. about the stupid game dev probs lol.

a kitten fell from the fifth floor. i saw her stumble. she died not long after. a kid and his mom crying. fuck today.
I am not emotionless.

dreams post 28.
Cats many cats near the balcony. two level balcony (like in one of the dreams, remember?). there are tow cats below but i cant really see. One of them is an older cat. grey, mature, 8 or 9. I realize i dont feed him.  and i dont know how he survives, and i feel bad, like those horrible times, remember? I figure he finds some food, low grade probably. I want to feed him good food. even though he isnt my cat and i dont love him, he deserves good things and good life.
also im trying to not let kittens on the balc, bc obv.

i see p*tin, i talk to him, i suddenly realize i am not afraid of him i call him ты, for i dont fear him and dont tremble. that would be a normal, usual reaction for him. i think he realizes i am not scared. i can tell him any thing i think about him. whats he gonna do? im not that scared anymore. (irl i think i am).


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