
 I've killed many people today. But the last two.. they won and were going outside, an asian woman and that SNL dude who played trunp. or similar looking. I was going to be ok with it, to make mysself be ok with it. but i went after them with a broken beer bottle in my right hand, the neck and the jagged glass. I stuck it in their necks, getting the chunks out almost. Dead.
Now, there were cleaners, and after the murder party we had they cleaned most of it, almost all of it, no evidence, and they helped to dispose of these two bodies.. that were like.. not agreed upon? or something.
but i became terribly afraid of cops getting me. THe most at first, then it had subsided. Now i was hoping the time will pass and everything will be too forgotten to matter, that the extant evidence wont be enough to make a connection to me. And i was going to go far from this dance/ball hall ... 
A table, bloody table. Cleaners, other killers, innocents, servers/restaurant workers. were some of them killed? did i? did others do it? They didnt seem to be perturbed. A common occurence. A safe place, a hideout.
I panic. I dont want to go to prison. even for just a few months. years. even tho id probably be good at it :) being alone and self sufficient   NO
then i realize it will be pretty hard for cops to find a killer, me. and also they havent found me after ive killed those other ppl (in the other dreams, and in the past of this dream world). so i will probably be ok? i feel safer now, i feel more calm
(its about anya and me breaking the barriers? killing the old habits? not feeling remorse over it, bc i def dont. should i? am i a murderer? a bad person? a monster for doing what i truly want?

yeah but also it's about two episodes of nosleep podcast about murders, and that horrible video of a camel being stabbed repeatedly in the neck. and then punching the fucker. i wish the camel would run away free. but he couldn't. the cruelty of it.)

(+ a part aabout my grandparents' bedroom. a nice part)


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