
 Alena, her mom, and me are walking. We are standing by the store. Her mom's hair is long and black. Karen Kilgariff? The store... and its my house too? and theres my mom too but theres none? is Alena mixed w my mom? 
There's some social or othetwise problem and i say theres gotta be a solution. her mom is not around atm, the house is green, the pale green thats not ..unpleasant, but depressive. The first level is stores, and its plastic and its jutting out from the house. I think Is this where I live... No... Or is it... or something like that. I look up and THEN i understand/feel its my house, despite being where 777 used to be, 3 stories high. And THEN i suggest a solution.. Some solution that might exists. And imagine some plastic extention for windows.I sound and feel отчаянный when i do. Her mom is back and we go in the direction of Vistrel. 

The key was given... to Me? To Alena? By Alena? as we have approached the what looks like overroad bridge on the way to big magnit. Alena's hair is dark and long too, but wavey. I realize we are by her house, this is an entrance to her house.... Should I go up with her? Should I stop and go home?? Im not trying to stop. And we alongside many ppl go up the stairs. I ask her i think Are we going to your apartment? or Is this where you live?? She answers that yes! Before that i doubt - was there a mistake and was I here by mistake, like just went with, but ended up where i am not wanted but they are polite?  Or Is it ok if I go with her to her apartment unannounced.. like her? but its different bc its me... HOW OK is it for me to just come upstairs with her maybe she just cant tell me to back off? out of politeness? But when she enthusiastically answers YES! and without slowing down keeps going upstairs, i feel much better, i feel.. right. SO ANYWAY, we enter the second, glass elevator, and also we come by/alongside her peers, students, from her uni or something, (feelthink - they are much younger than her she is young), [I wrote this first the forgot: Then we go to the elevator and she presses the button. We go up, then it stops. We get out walk and go to another one! I am surprised bc this feels like there should be no place for it but there is! It is GLASS (idk what this means but in my mind its made of glass b4 we come in),]She tells me the top of the class students received [gramotas?? apartments?? something valuable] and she tells me she got it too. I am not unsurprised that she isnt the top of her class, the only answer is that she is [class vishego urovnya. there must be a asnwer, hence the stroke of eugenius]I say "Its because you are умница!", a bit queitly, but as a stroke of genius (eugenius), she reacts with a smile a genuine ... happiness reaction idk. I hug her from behind and its organic and she fully accepts it, and i put my hand on her shoulder, right temple on the pointy part (see i was lying with a cold and my head was hurting when i was doing it on my side). We exit the elevator, i am holding her, innocently, and this man, in glasses, probs drunk, pushes me numbly-angrily to the floor, muttering something about inappropriate behavior. I get up and think about pushing him or hitting him, [idk in a ream i didt think much about those options but i think they were], but i feelthink about Alena and how i cant allow myself be evil and stupid with her. I give him the finger, ppl are passing us by, he says if i ever do it again [do what, hug Alena? probably] he will X. I flip him off again. I am feeling an urge to push him, to engage him. Alena says Zhen' idi suda. Very softly and kindly. I go, bc it is natural to me. And im grateful she did. I think. I still feel resentment and anger but I feelthink that bc there was something waiting for me, something really good, that i had support, i was able to stop myself from making a bad mistake. (this reminds me about taxi, and about the old military guy. did her wear glasses?) I am happy she helped me stop myself. We go through the entrance, then theres a hall again i think, but anyway we enter a shop, an artisan/selfmade shop. There are some ppl, a woman with long black hair. Alena tells her Vi ochen crasivaya devushka. She beams! I tell Alenka IN ENGLISH, It takes one to know one, you know? Now Alena beams/or just smiles energetically. I think she replies to me or the woman in her gentle cute voice and i notice it. And  i also notice that she sounds like herself now even without that voice. I put my head on her shoulder and we wait [for the shopkeeper i think], (my head is by her hand on the left shoulder, she put it there for me). (She accepts without any displeasure.) and as we do she caresses my nose with her pinky finger. [Like when i do it to Jackie] I feel peace

Her voice when she speaks is HERS, the one i so dearly love. This makes it so much more better

Idk why she .. made me come with her? or didnt stop me. for some time when i was walking i thought i was going home. And when i realized i wasnt i felt bad bc it would make her uncomf.

Several times throughout our walk to the store [and her apartment, outisd ethis dream] i thought what will we do there. But when she was very nice and kind and soft i knew it will be ok. that whatever happens this is Good. Maybe just friendly hang maybe more. I dont feel infringing on her space anymore.


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