Kid Dream Good Dream

 When i was looking at this infant i was filled with such joy. Its not mine but im happy to see him. or her! its her right? i didnt notice anything hanging when they were out of sheets. So probs a boy. 
So the begining of the dream, a square between roads, rain, snow melting, sludge, dirt. Car stop, oldish man in it, with a baby on the back seat. he get out, NO yes he does and he chucks the water out car, like boat, in my direction, hitting me with splashes/big drops every time, im upset, and a bit mad, but not doing anything but voicing my displeasure. Another man gets hit too i guess, and others, but this man goes to him to fight, what i was thinking, and he gets up to curb, he stops, water cant pass.
I go, when man out car, not child. Child now in my magnit bag, ive put food with baby. I care for baby for now. He stole baby from parents. They will get baby but for now i care. I realize put frozen meat and vegs on baby. I think dead. I make peace with dead baby, i lost animals it was my fault and now is too, but i will live. I rummage thru groceries, they are flatter than i thought, must be more volume bc baby under. baby not?? where. bUT i keep search. NO BABY. I keep. HERE BABY! under frozen stuff. He smile!! he enjoy! he doesnt understand the situation he in! I pick bag up go to nella house. i shoudve taken baby out, but no. I see nella, i go thru narrow corridor filled with things and stuff, not in good order, i carry baby bag behind, fear baby get squeezed and dead. I make peace. But not too happily. Baby live!
I am at the school yard, baby on table, in sheets, i look and happy. Mom here and I think she will help? but i know  its my duty. BUT its not my BABY. which is more than fine by me. I think there are my cats nearby and they will be friends with baby!
I go away from table. look to my right, there are ppl around. teens. everything is peaceful. a stark contrast to the first scene. I go back to the table and uncover baby's face. He is such a nice baby, happy and smiley and i feel joy being by him. (and about my time taking care of him for his parents. About this opportunity) I smile and am at peace at that moments


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