I am STILL feeling this dream

 Ive been eating the soft padding+leather of my blue headphones. Was fine. Then i went ahead and started eating the last part of it. And i felt vaguely sick, wrong, like im poisoning myself. So I've removed the pretty ok tasting padding+blue leather from my mouth into a paper towel. Then Ive decided I also need to remove everything thats now in my stomach, even tho the first time i ate it i was fine! but now i was concerned. and it felt like rightfully. So i went to vom in the toilet. But I couldnt, so i drank water right from the tap., whic is ok since im vomming it up anyway. hopefully. I went back and tried again. No luck. I didnt even feel the gag reflex. 

OH MY GOD IS IT ABOUT CAFFEINE i felt wrong eating a chocolate candy yesterday, like i dont need it. WOW. also about eating copious amounts of cookies. BUT! the base is 29 Neibolt street, the bathroom.

Then something soemthing mother. 

OH mother come over and said something. And after she left ive noticed that the box on the bachok's front is sizzling with water, under pressure, from bachok, the passive water flow we dont use. I think about how i didnt notice it when i was trying to vom. I thinka bout doing it again. But HMM dangerous?? then the sizzling becomes apparent to be made by the HEAT of the box. Then i feel it would be very dangerous to vom now. Bc the thing might blow into my head!. I turn the water off. Now the sizzling is stopped. No water. It looks peaceful, its quiet. Feels safe, even tho probably more dangerous. I go ahead to vom. Theres a naked boy cat on that box, his tail or butt touches the box. I think about how he is not being burned, I think i wave him away.
Then I see that the toilet itself is displaced from its hole. I am like. No problem, as i now know its flush with the water level in the drain pipe. I move and it has a rubber sleeve on it, for waterproofness i think. I move it over the hole BUT ITS BIG NOW. I move to a better position to accomodate. BUT ITS EVEN BIGGER APPARENTY THAN I THOUGHT. I also think - was it... like this before? when i came here? was it like broken/moved? I decide i dont know and i cant recall. So I try to move to aNY PLACE wherein the toilet will perform its duties, aka be flushable and STAY UPRIGHT. I see rubble in the drain. LOTS. And I still need to poop (i did poo before taht, normally, now i wasnt sure it wa sucha good idea. it will remain in it.) And I think Well this rubble will def clog the ppipe. but thats ok mom will call the plumber and he will fix everything. The toilet now is hanging in the air above the "drain". HTeres no drain, just this hole with dug out edges. I notice that the shape of the bottom of the toilet , a curvy S shape, is repeated on the two sides of the whole closest to the door. even tho they are so far apart and def wouldnt be a good fit for a toilet. so it couldnt be the way the toilet was standing. Its like the sides GREW apart. The rest has crumbled but these two remeain for an unknown reason. It keeps crumbling, but the destruction is mostly inside the hole


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