Saw a dream where I was preparing for a date with A., or rather, i was preparing 7 things to tell her, do with her, it was some sort of an occasion, organized, with several options for activities. 
And by G-d i was trying my best not to be overly romantic, bc i know she hates it, or something, and to make it very good, quality, friendly and interesting, special!
I was re-rehearsing it over and over, the 7th one was the hardest to do, but also the most important, without it the whole thing wouldnt be worth it. And in the end i wass afraid she would purposefully ignore it, like she does with other romantic stuff i send her. I dont blame her. I dont know her life and her struggles. There is a reason why she is that way, maybe its more normal than i feel it is. And maybe one day I will understand her*

*and be able to be suitable for her


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