a fun dream time!

 im on a plane, im in the body or like REALLY close to someone that i cant see but who doesnt speak but is being talked to by Grims and ElnMsk. The real ones. Grms is making fun, of them or with them? of them. I can hardly believe this is my grms. I am no longer in the seat. I look at where ive been - its a row of toilets, two ppl on them, man and woman, shitting, grms and msk are beside them, pointing fingers and being funny. The toilets are in front of the rows of seats. By the fact grms and msk are here i can tell this is first class, And these two on the toilet are also first class. A woman holds her head in her hands, she lowered her head. In exhaustion and despair at these two. A man sits unmovingly. no reaction to the shenanigans.
I look at grmese and think-feel that i thought she is better, she is a good person, and this is her real self..

Oh also i address mom about how the toilet is in front of everyone and she annoyedly shuts me up. I try to point at it again, she is even more annoyed.

[plus theres another dream about shit, i take it and put in a garbage bag, its long but later i realize i can make it more compact. so that it can fit in the trash. I think about ppl opening it, its not ideal, but i tie the bag real good.idk why i feel the need to hide my shit from my mom like that]


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