Fucka You Basards (and mom)

 Dream in which i and a girl and a man crawl, as a part of our job through narrow underground tunnels, not reinfortced, just soil. i feel safe and then i dont, sure and then not, sure in myself and then not. 

[I am too wide to fit into the situations i am trying to get into i need to go outside onto the surface], 

and when they crawl into one particularly narrow, uneven, bulging-walled tunnel i stop and am afraid to go because i FEEL, i KNOW i will get stuck, but they encourage me. I dont know how THEY did it since they seem to be kinda my size? and i feel "Ok! ill just crawl i know it looks impossible but when i do it it will become possible". And just as i start into that part of the tunnels the ceiling begins crumbling due to my big frame. 

(I feel pretty safe and certain in myself before the last tunnel and only when i am getting sorta outside of the normal size zone do i feel threatened)
I keep trying to get through bc ive been told i totally can do this means whatever is happening now isnt really bad and isnt really a threat. But because i dont stop, the ceiling, even more of it, collapses on me and i can hardly breath, I feel - I will finally die in here i will be buried alive. Crawling back feels so hard, i can barely move.  But somehow after ten seconds i am free from the cold overwhelmingly gentle grip of the tunnel. I can breathe now (was i helped? by someone feminine)

Yes this is most def about my mom and how living with her smothers me almost to death. 
and about how i shouldnt listen to other ppls opinions on what i can do, or i will get into a mortal danger. alsso about my minds tunnels


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