oh dreams, i get you

 A dream where there were actual nuclear warheads around te apartment, left by Vlad. A small warhead on my table, i picke dit up and jerked bc i thought it is exploding but it was just some sound. Ive put it on the balcony shelf, on a soft fabric. But realized cats can get to it and drop it down and we will die. they will die. and i was searching for a better placement on the balcony. two shelves - far right (no relation questio mark), which was left when ive put the thing there, and the left one, which is now on the left. Aunt is here. I think about picking the warheads up and moving them away from our apartment. I know its heavy but i think i can do it, a baseless hope that is only fueled by my hubris.
After I talk to aunt I search for them and they are nowhere to be found. I touch air where mom's hand is, beside the mirror wher there used to be incenses. I think maybe they are invisible now. But noW! the space is empty! Grandma comes up from the left. There are many ppl in the apartment btw.

[I used to have so many dangerous triggers in my brain, in my life. and suddenly they just disappeared. The only ONE left is the one i can HANDLE, good pun, brain. It still is a Very Scary warheadey]

plus im stressed about those shitty devs. Ive JSUT added all rights reserved license to my game.


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