big hair, dried. i show them to .. mother? thinking she will pop the gasket but she is calm and is like Yea? mhm!  i expect people to react but they just are cool with it. 
Wild hair, on my head, grown out, almost too wild, im surprised but feel like this is how its supposed to be. Wet. Rain? I dry them. They dry by themselves. I look in the mirror. A big копна of hair. Way more than would be in reality. they wouldnt be that size wet-then-dry in reality. they would be less. I am frightened but just for a second. [I read about Bill Denbrough and its his hair, wildly in the wind and rain. At the club house. I am Bill Denbrough. I am BIll. I am Bill...]

dream where i eat a piece of white paper. i think - this wont upset my stomach, i think, i did it many times. (reminds me of the dream where i ate headphone padding)

dream where i go, run to dacha, idk why i don't wanna take the bus, and like less than halfway i remember i forgot my wallet. and i cant ****** (buy something? materials? coffee?) without my wallet. i thought should i go without? but then decided to run back. I'm not too far in, and... I run a little further. turn left and move to the opposite sidewalk. There are ppl walking back from the gardens. Normal, i think, i walk among them, fast and slow. first fast then slow, bc i dont want to waste all my energy now by running. even if i can. even if i can then still be able to make it back and work at the dacha. 
I feel something is wrong, bc the контингент of people changes to more agressive, malicious. With a bad purpose. I realize these are n*zis, nationalists, and i NEED to get out of this crowd, away, far ahead of them, i cant save the pedestrians. But I try and im not fast enough and its like they know im trying, and and they congeal, coalesce herding people like sheep. they push me from the front line. they make a line out themselves, in jackets, dark brick red, on the gront line, like ants, hard to break the line. I decide to push forward. NO! i decide to risk pushing people if it means i can get free. I push forward, but the movement gets dampened by the front ants, i push ... back? and just more people congeal in front of me. there are less on the back of the packed area. of the rectangle. They soon get packed too. I am in the middle of them, a bit in the front. I push-walk-run to the right (its called left somehow) and they move! to the rightleft! the rectangle hits the light pole and the "lid" on the rectangle, the ant row, bops open, the guys its made of still holding hands and are still arranged in a str8 line. they are unresponsive to stimuli somehow. People get a bit outside of the "box". I get outs...


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