Theres a wall the ppl climb, and we are with a group of ..... are here on a bus tour to climb it. something musical. ppl climb and im the last remaining on the ground. The loud speakers are up there and we can control them IF we climb.i try. the strings are there. i am surprised. is it forgotten by someone? junk? they look very weak. i try.  i touch the strings and they are strong when i pull. its easier than i thought. i think i cant get up there. but i keep climbing. i get higher and higher. the mark on the wall. i reach it. another mark, a cross in a circle. the last mark. i reach it with my hand. THEN, slower (than i hoped) with my head (макушкой)(i dont mean - touched it). 

note: even before i climb theres Baranova on the right. and she is Sestra.

When i turn around at the top, with a line of people and a teacher lady i know, ready to do whatever collective thing we came here to do. music thing, art thing, tribal thing. She, Baranova, says - he shoulndt be here he was later i was firsst  (or someone else). and i think.. but there are seven (or however many) places and 7 ppl. each has their own place! but i think maybe? maybe it was a competition and i didnt know? maybe i the last empty place is just here to... idk! be a mockery of the last person to climb. but teacher doesnt think that way.
B. argues a little. teacher talks to her to calm down ? or something.
I, facing the ...where we are supposed to go with this? i hear her saying im not supposed to be here or something and i get fussy/angry/like in my childhood, and jump off (slide off! i think. its cool) down the ramp (its a ramp!!! now and or before) and i run away/walk away indignant (not the right word... righteous? in my.. (i realise it in a dream) giving up НАЗЛО.(like me as a child)).
I go run hide behind the columns and fussy. the teacher goes after me, уговаривая, i am like N O i will be fussy and hurt! НАЗЛО.and i start realizing that its silly. that i can literally go back and ничего не будет.that i can turn my life around and fix everything if i just listen to my teacher.

(its about itch jam, and how i accepted my defeat WAIT there were 12 or something places, but it felt like 7. )



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