rectangular brown шкаф material tunnel, i have to go thru, only me apparently. and Archie (G.) wants me to take my white wired cheap headphones with me this time . it feels untenable (?? word?). it feels like i will get stuck or something with them with me. but then i hide them in my pocket and can do it. 🥫 (just a memory trigger, this can, sorry (on android!))

i can move the walls of the tunnel, to fit. and as i crawl i think Why do i have to (keep) do(ong) this. it's generous. what if i get stuck? that's how cave explorers feel, terrifying. i don't want to get stuck. but also Why Would I get stuck? I've been thru these tunnels many times. getting stuck is just a fear causes by the fact that if something WAS to happen i wouldn't be able to escape, to get out. i would die here (here - home?)

i just move the walls to make the tunnel bigger, bc even my head wouldn't fit in this one, idk if it was supposed to be moved but here we are. it's dusty, no one has ever moved it. it's very easy to move. and the walls, i guess, just go to the other part of the tunnel but I've already been there so it doesn't мешает me. 

oh wait. some other ppl sometimes use tunnels like this (and this? idk)

soon i will arrive at the end of it. 

(might be caused by my boycott of mother that's lasted for two days now or 2.5)(job search? girlfriend search?)

also ive been dodging attacks by a giant man in a video game. not a single hit for me, and i also was only able to hit him once. its because of The Baggage, and ive decided to take it off and try again, lighter, nimbler, more manuvarable. even if it makes me easier to kill. but also harder to hit. it is supposed to be worth it, bc otherwise it would take a LONG time to kill him. one hit a minute? that doesnt even do much damage? very bad prospect. and it will take him only a few hits to finish me, (but now - especially! bc no armor. (being more childhood me-like?)) (so idk if this tradeoff was wise. but ive made it). 
BUT also im surprised at how good at dodging i am now. i worried i wont be able to, but now? i can?? experience?
like Amicia in The Plague Tale


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