forest duties

 I'm mapping out the place, the forest. with circles like points of teleportation in VR. and routes for walking. at first I'm putting the circles without any rhyme or reason, bc i don't yet know their purpose. then i realize that they are important and need to be put on the important parts of the road, so that others could see and use them(it's about how i use my brain, trauma, to help others. is this too big words to use). i use (telekinesis or something) to draw the lines, but then decide to use my feet too, and it turns out to be more fun, and also not ineffective! but i still use (telekinesis, vr controller) to place the rings 

the goal is to make myself and help ppl get to the exit, to the train station to the left of the forest. there are also other points of interest. none of them are bad.

there are other ppl here, but not really here yet. mom is here, not too corporeally, but here.

a big old tree. "what if branches are weak? what if they break?" but i look at the one that's almost horizontal (broke long ago and healed like that) and understand, recall, or realize that it will not break. (but i still don't wanna go on it. there are better branches and I'm not a big fan of this one) (this makes me think about Vasily. dick? healing from that? seeing that dick? what is this tree) 

either way, in certain of this tree. it's good. I've made a drawing on the land that signifies a small hill, on that small hill. beside the tree. i wipe away the chalk but it comes back or I'm doing something wrong. 

it's not a bad drawing.

i become more effective in mapping these parts, I'm thinking about how they will be perceived by others, how legible they are, (this is a mind forest? my-mind forest? and talking to others about their problems needs a map? of my own mind, something like that)

i think about memorizing the paths, but there's just so many of them! but maybe one day i will just know them.


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