drones, alien hall, Ash the cat and a not bad man trying to get into an opening in a game and i help them. it didn't break the rules but they didn't like it much, even tho they were right there, they could have just climbed up from the stick. (like poop from Nightbooks). they are in and we are flying and shooting drones?

Cynthia. her perfect body. can't remember the first part. second - godjira, costumed people. the Rock. horrible dirty mothra. i move away each time he moves. first time - after he touches thick cables that have something to do with godjira. godjira was smoothing out his armor, from the ready position to smooth. i touch the cable and while it's nothing special, dirrty wise, i despise, am disgusted by, the oily touch he left on the cable (like the condoms I've used with k, and myself.). i think about washing hands and for now - not using the one I've touched it with. 

when he is done with the costume he moves out of his place and i move far from him, cornering myself in the big room(ours) near balcony. he noticed i don't want to touch him. so he moves in for the touch - i scream don't! touch! me! I'm panicking. he gets a hold on me. i try to punch but his costume is thick and it does nothing. he is carrying me back to his lair. we pass the Rock. he does nothing, i realize, what a hero of the people. i get closer to him,  still being help tho, and scream"HELP ME!!". he gets out of his mellow state and gets me out, which I don't remember.

but i am with Cynthia now. we are playing, fooling around. she gets naked sometimes, partially. i don't remember this part. but we are happy. she doesn't have to talk to me but she doesn't mind and likes it. it's not forever. it's not an obligation, we both are here on our free will. we are surprisingly happy.

we are where there are many people. not a tight crowd just many. rock is here? but so is Cynthia.

I'm dirty (bc was touched) and washing myself with the ceiling shower (there's no ceiling). maybe it's on the railing. soaping myself up. hands. up to the shoulders. washing myself off, it's easy - there are no people too close. (this IS a metaphor). 

then i soap myself up again, even more, more body parts. but it will be easy to wash off, bc here! i have a shower! finally it's easy! (almost not a metaphor. just how it was)

(oh there was an evil bitch in this low density crowd i think)

but the new crowd is here. teens, gen zs, tight. and i realize how hard it will be too wash myself off without getting it - water And soap - on anyone, making them angry. i move to the smaller spot, a semi room. and understand that they are going to go where we've just been. and i desire to tell them not to, to stop them from making a mistake. but i have no voice in this crowd (i do but it's too quiet maybe. this isn't directly from the dream i think).

so i get out of that room. and I'm seeing her (presumably Cyn, but gurova? too) plastered to the wall, on a karniz, standing - face and front body to the wall. she's waiting. i motion to my buddy in that crowded room to come over and he notices and does.

i show him Cyn is here and he seems happy and he kisses a now-full 3d buttcheek (full butt is in 3d not just a cheek) of hers. it is so perfect. round and beautiful. i have not a shred of jealousy in my heart. i understand she gives what she wants and only then. and that we are somewhat of friends. and that there's nothing to fight over. i want to kiss her "again?" or put my mouth on some other part of her body, but I see no openings. she doesn't want it now, she isn't giving it now, and i can't ask or take. (feels like i could tho but i decide against it. it's the good way).

i am supposed to meet (a girl) here at the park, but another, less attractive to me, girl arrives. wait i see it (now!) a table (data table i mean), with names Iri (that iri, I've liked her on feeld, again) and elly (maybe bc of yesterday's Gaelic lesson). i am trying to open a chat and send a message "hey I'm sorry I've liked you again i know u don't, u can ignore that, i didn't know it was u until after i liked!", but she was already talking to me. still thinking about that message but I don't send. I'm at the park (yes this is the beginning of this part). and I'm waiting for Iri. but a girl arrives I've also "liked" but not really liked. and we are walking at the park, there's music. she looks up at the distant building and excitedly tells me she wants us to go up there, nay, she needs us to go there. 

bc there's a band playing, up on the roof, on a special stage, yellow. we will need to go up the stairs in that apartment building. I'm very hesitant about it.

and i don't think she isn't going or taking me, but for now we are walking the park road, trees on our right, and i look at her and lift my left arm in a hug and so! does! she! we walk in a hug, comfortable nice warm hug!.

open armed (we rest our arms on each other's shoulders). i feel bad, or rather think bad about it bc its just another hookup, it's wrong, it's not Her, so I'm just betraying again. i look at her profile and she is very pretty, and i start to think maybe i was wrong about her, and maybe she is really pretty. i look at her again and she faces me too. i try to kiss her, but stop a millimeter away i think, we almost touch. i almost touch. she encourages but says we need/can do it at the same time, or something like that. i understand that this is about an agreement between us, an agreement to kiss. which she wants, but she prefers it to be planned. i am not against it. we walk happily.


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