Hi Again

 I come into class, its a test time or a creative writing time.
I seem to be of importance. I am looking for a seat to take. positions of ppl change slightly while i do. i want to take the back seat of course, since thats the one ive always had, its where im comfortable. but girls are already now sitting there. I take off my [leather jacket][it has a hoodie now?] and looking somewhere to hang it. They, for some reason, get up and, with straight [maybe slightly annoyed or angry. but not threatening] face encourage me to hang it above them. i did not expect that and i hesitate - it would hang over their heads and its not the best. 
I look to the right (left, the left row), and theres [BUT FIRST- finding the right seat]
im looking at seats. i can sit here, middle row the middle, empty seat, table, someone is in front MAYBE but not certain.
But i really dislike the [vibe] of sitting there, in the middle of it.
But im still considering it. and since theres something about the chair that i cant use it, maybe it doesnt exist? i look for a new one. all the ones i find are colorful, with large plastic square base. with a mechanism not unlike the automatic pen mechanism (ive found a similarity last night between it and the plastic ring on the eyedrops' cap, the one that connects the cap, ensuring the drops integrity). ANYWAY, I find a yellow one, an orange one, something rainbow i think, and finally - i think THIS might be the rainbow one? Oh, one of them is fully detached from the base, and i feel embarrassed to even have found it, touched it. The others are not unlike that but less glaring. The last one has this pen mechanism. and i decide to take it i guess.
Baranova invites me to sit with her, left row, last table. I am surprised. I AM. Is this what ive wanted all this time? I can safely put my coat by her side without мешать her. It is a large enough space. 
I take my seat with me, perhaps. 
But i dont get a chance to use it, she ushers me (maybe) to take a sit, her sit or by her side? I go and sit and she is about to sit near me. By my side.
I love You.


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