Saw a a dream in the evening where I am about to have sex with Nicole, and i feel IMMENSE relief. also saw actors and musicians and some randoes having sex on our green sofa. bc "no one was seeing them doing it" or something, it was an empty place from time to time. it was lonely. (?).
then i saw limp wrist band album cover with 4 bears, and the bears i also saw in that dream.
later on, Anya from feelds texted me, apparently happy to talk to me. Also ive talked to Anna about pregnancy scare, bc it felt like the "Ive sent you three boats" situation, considering. she sent me a pic of covid test, that looked like pregnancy test, and said as much. SIGN!

Anya wanted to add me on IG bt i told her its for family, AND SHE DIDNT PUSH (only once, b4 reading the message about Fam Only)
I stood up for myself!
very good, me.
Sent Nicole my dream. but it wasnt entirely her also, some softer.. darker? woman was a part of it.. could it be a mix of K.? i hope not!
K told me they are getting a divorce, very matter of factly, nonchalantly. WHICH IS WEIRD DONT YOU AGREE??? But im feeling relieved? partially at least. Watched Downton. I LOVE DOWNTON


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