I dont want to write this

 But this is what the blog is for - things I dont want to think about.
I am thinking about K and the p-scare, im thinking about her being obsessed with me, hopefully not in l*ve. 
I told her she needs a real help and the only thing she replied with was Listen are u ok?

no, no i am not. dont talk to me unless i can help. and u are willing to do the work. this always feels egotistic when I am trying to protect myself and my sanity from her these days. Like she IS in a bad situation and she IS swiss idol. But i am on a duty to protect myself. Bc if I dont NOBODY will, among humans anyway. And Jesus did say something about helping oneself first, right? Did I imagine this?

Also that Oxygen Mask On Self First thing. Which totally make sense.

I promised to not allow myself to be emotional with her, by which i most probably mean emotionally connected. I am now supposed to be a cold helper, but only if theres a solid way I can help. And not in a YOU CAN BREAK YOURSELF IF THAT MEANS HELPING HER OUT type of way. Bc this is suicidal, this is mad, this is insane, this is what I promised  swore to never allow myself to be like again.

And G*d is willing I intend on keeping my word.
But I need irl friends like CLOSE to me, I am still alone.

I've decided I am still a virgin again now. Thank u Nicole. G*d bless you. This is so important to me for many reasons, most of which I am not actively aware of.

Anyway I am feeling better now having written this down. Thank you blogdiary. Bye


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