Story About Me And Alena

 Alena and me are walking down/up the road from the bank to the "new market place". We pass two kissing couples. I feel this might be my chance to tell her. She stops by the corner wall to the former tech shop. And leans on the wall. SHe looks expectant. I try to come up with something emotional to saay about my feelings. But end up saying something apologetic like sorry i had something to say but uhh. She stands straight with a face of Nevermind... And I still am trying. But we walk to the market now. ANd i still am thinking. At the market we... idk i try to tell her? and i keep saying these общие фразы that sound shallow and feel even more shallow, bc they dont express what i want to. also a feeling that i am running out of time. it began when the dream began, and was getting more intense. but like the feeling of.. when i need to choose QUICKLY  but i dont know what is the best thing to choose.
We are at the school ground, middle of the asphalt field. She is taller, she looks like Andrea and my mom maybe. Dark hair. But not all the time. Wedance? No stand apart, then we get closer. We hold both hands, like we are about to dance. I feel THIS might be my chance, last? She is REally tall, i tell her I love you! She tells me I know! (maybe i love you too, too). And something is between us like a little thing, not an omela, but not NOT an omela, not something not-planty. But its crumbly. And i tell her I love you, again, She says I love you too. In a nonchalant way. I am feelingthinking about kissing her now, bc maybe it will be ok, and maybe she feels it too??? But i say, just to be safe, I used to be влюблён  in you and she says, starts saying Oh but I dont, and i tell her i KNOW, but in case you ever do, I will , and she cuts off me with Yes, i will remember! and i feel sad but good. but muted. ANd its wrong but also it is the way it is \suppposed to be now.

God iloveher

Its a historic dream, about our course of modern relationship.


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