Two Scary Two Dreams

I am in a bolshaya room, its an empty space/void, pretty well lit.
A red butterfly with a stinger is flying around. It sits on one man, its kinda interesting, he moves her and she doesnt fly away. its a funny thing. Someone is filming him. Oh, but first there is another man too, he was the first she landed on. Its just an animal who doesnt understand that we are ppl. Then (and i desired that,) she lands on me. She just walks, then her stingerwith a bulging end touches my skin and she slowly and gently caresses me with it, it goes left to right and back. I am just a little bit unnerved by it but its ok!

THEN it gets faster. And faster. And faster. I was a bit afraid she would sting me, but she seemed v friendly and nonconfrontational. But this speed, it felt like anger, like anger was building up inside of her, towards me. And When it got this fast, I have realized she will sting me. So i shoo her away. THIS doesnt sit right with her and she flies right back, clings to me, i try to shake her of, away, she climbs under my .. some loose top, maybe old black turtleneck, or some shirt (SHIRT! def. beige. do u know who gave it to u). And i panic, bc she will do things to me under that. And i pull it off. She is nowhere to be found. I check my hands. I check my back with my hands. She is gone. (A thought about her being inside me. I DONT like that thought). I am relieved that she is gone. MAybe she is NOT inside me. I think mom is here. And some other ppl. I say, I prefer wasps. (i concider this for a moment, do i? should i not have said that, will that ruin my relationship with wasps now? liek in a jinxing way). I think someone is surprised. Yes, i say. I can trust wasps. or something like that i dont remember

[butterfly - бабочка, женщина лёгкого поведения? I thought-felt that well they did it so maybe i should too. I wasnt really big on this idea. This idea, of course, maybe, not sure, is sex with others. Which backfired. Rejecting her was agressively met. and now she might beep under my skin. Bc idk where ELSE SHE COULD HAVE GONE. maybe she flew away instead. this is abour pregnancy i think]


I am in London.
Some tunnel bridge over a canal. Theater stage to its right. Sir Ian McKellen is walking [somewhere], then steps onto the cornice, walks on it, looking at the stage or is it me. I desire them to see him, it would b fun ny. 
[Like a scene in Hilda where she gets into a club after an old man, time travel and all] He walks over the canal, jumps down into the docks part, and i am he now, and i see.. OH wait, theres something b4 that about aliens with translucent skin. So one of them is there in the docks, sleepin, his gf comes over and says something about the fact that if he doesn't [rest? eat? prolly rest] he will not... recover? or be ina  good shape. He is really translucent and i can see his jaws, his double head thing, flat when open.

I jump/step over the bridge, to get away from them. And walk to the right [Overwatch, italian town], and i see the queen of these aliens. She is concerned about something and they are preparing. SHe sees me, they. see me. I run. I run over the city. I run over the rooftops and I am Ian McKellen and me and him, I stop suddenly he stops not me I am just here to witness where he stops [I am an actor and an audience and i dont know where my act takes me?, I am just a witness of my actions] and doesnt move. We are I am right by the camera that moves to the sides. It scans but we are JUST out of its sight. Then i see another. We are JUST out that one's sight as well. I am relieved, he knew what he was doing, they wouldnt look that close to them, and where there is other one's space the others won't look. We sit.... I AM SITTING, i am alone. no Ian. I am sitting without any movement, even tho i feel/hear/know they are getting close, they wont see me.........??

Its an Irish bar now. And people are drinking talking and all that. They don't react to me, even tho I know they would if they knew I am here. Now i realize i am a pigeon [I got pigeonholed!!! by a kindly witch [was it Nicole? not Kate i hope]]. And NOW i sit real still. And they talk about me, how i am a sickly bird. And i sit REAL still. How my eyelids dont move/are shut idk. And i sit REAL still. And i try not to blink but its hard so i do, and they dont seem to react. I also am wondering how am i even a pigeon, i am so big and yet they dont recognice that. Its nice I love being hidden, in plain sight [Phobe Song. not in a dream. but ye], and i sit REAL still, except my eyes are moving, and im blinking. I stretch my legs. Do pigeons stretch? Yes they do I think. And so I feel confident. Its a closing time soon, not many ppl here. But its bright daytime. And my legs are outstretched towards a table with a woman and a man. They dont notice. They only can see pigeon legs, how does this work, i am big. I keep sitting there, like a sickly pigeon. (Like the ones i saw on the streets and on our windowsills/balc). I think i feel weird about pretending to be a sickly bird so that they dont notice me, without being a sickly bird. To protect myself. but i have no choice? or aliens would have KILLED me? Oh i know, there would be sharp objects in me. like that prison escape ep from Midnight Gospel.


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