Pls God, make it so this isnt a prophetic dream about Kate's kid. PLEASE LORD make it so it doesn't ever exist.

My room is flooded. The water from the outside flood is flowing through balcony door into my room. I was away for a while and it is going on. Was I in prison? (look below) Im thinking about pumping it all outside, but this would do nothing, as the flood would just pour back in. And buckets wont help either, its even less effective. I am feeling helpess and weak, and powerless (not the word. its like Frustrated+Powerless?). Then i see a big branch from the tree (of life), just lying here on the carpet/floor. It was here before (it wasnt or i couldnt see it), I thinkfeelimagine cutting it in a way that will make it placeable in the doorframe of baclony, acting as a sandbag, a dam. Saving me. from floodwater. 

And I have a handsaw in my hand, with red handle. I start sawing, my thoughts say "Its an all-purpose saw, its best for [metal,aluminum,wood,concrete], but can be used also on [wood? this wood?]", and as they do Im thinkfeeling how good of a purchase that was. (Also this is based on me thinking about sawing Vladik's planks on my balcony and putting them as a safety measure under the sewing machine.). It really is an all-purpoe saw. 
But halfway, a bit more?, i start seeing the progress becoming less and less, and me getting tired - more and more. I make myself to push through and saw more actively, and as I do i realize i am running out of energy, im sweating like when u did too much during an excercise and ur body is in panic mode. And I stop sawing and get the metal out of the wood. I will do it again, i will finish it later. Thi s is also feeling like Anya's room too. Some good quality about it is Anya's. God bless her.

 In italy ive done something bad. and now they have put me in preliminary prison, with a knowledgable, experienced man with long hair. i think he liked me. there was a spaceneedle-like cell coplex, for Good Prisoners. i thought thats blat. i am out, after a few days. I FIND OUT I WILL HAVE TO GO FOR ONE MONTH NOW. that this was a test iprisonment, to assess what i am how i am, how good or bad i am. and that man was the one doing the examination. so i think i can hope for one of those Good Cells. feelthing - i shouldnt take it.... theres no honor in them... BITCH WHAT HONOR! ITS PRISON! WHAT ARE U THINKING!!! TAKE IT IF U CAN!!!!
I tell mom I dont wanna go. She is like OK SO? U gotta! People are expecting u! i barely thinkfeel I can just not go to italy tho.... but the thought shoved aside fast. At some point i get panicky when i realize that in one month lots of thing can happen in prison. rape. other violence. and i am struggling to imagine a way out of this! What fun! thaank u dream!

plus there was a lady, maybe Jane, in my room, there were other ppl, women and some men, and someone brought Reese's peanut butter cups. and it was supposed to shock me out something, surprise me, or scare? but i realized i have tried them! back in the past! on tumblr i think. and i imagine eating them, biting into the delicious peanut butter insides, a bit firm, and so pleasant. and i look at Jane, and i take one. she is surprised. i don't get to bite i wake up.

is it about something good in my life that's supposed to scare me at first by it's novelty, newness? but ive already had it and know how good it is. and I'm ready, ready to have it. again. yes. i am ready for good things to come to my life.


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