I Will Help You, Alena

 Alena invited me to some gathering. Its fully not romantic and its clear. Im there, its a big hall many people. She is to my left, between us a guy a boy, i think i came with him and some others (which will become clear only later in a dream). I dont know him, he is a neutral separator. 
WAIT. before i get to the hall, Alena and me, we talk. i cant recall what about. then we get to the hall.
We talk. Btw theeres no the BEFORE (usually v vivid for me) part, its a present tense narrative. We discuss soething important. Before the hall i think we talked about her husband, god its strange to write it.
We came inside along with him. And he sits next row to the right, a sit back. He doest look at us (which feels a TINY bit weird), or me. He looks fairly indifferent and calm. Yet theres something concerning for him i feel.
We discuss something important with Alena, its about kids maybe.I dont feel jealosy, i dont feel her aversion or anything, she is my friend who is a bit distyant and matter-of-factly. Yet still sweet in her kindness. or maybe its just in my head, im just glad i can still talk to her and see her. but i think about her husband and how that might be a concern for him. We keep talking. Then the gathering/speech or something starts/ends. She says she will go to bed now, but thats what i think she said in a dream, she might have just said Bye to us and went ... NO we said goodbye to one another, we have come to some decision about the topic and she said she will go rest. is she pregnant? thats my NOW thought. God i hope she is.
I sat there for a lil while then we all started getting up. I wanted to tell her goodbye, she was behind a wall at the end of the hall, not fully blocked from our view by it, her legs or head were visible, she was in bed under a blanket. Why are colors so beige?? like in this whole dream. other than the very last grave part.
I went to her, said goodbye, i think she replied. Her hair was long. And i went back, he, her husband, was visibly more lively, he was annoyed, he was angry almost. He said that i should leave, go, or something (yes, a memory from a similar case from my past i dont wanna recall, its ok to not recall it now). And as I walked to my seat, he kept saying that I need to go, must go, should go. I came closer to him to say something that would make him calm down, I said "I was just saying goodbye", instantly feeling that it wont really work. He paused a bit then continued, not significanly changing. I think my not-friends say ok come on lets go.
This is about dead kids, spirits of kids, this whole business is about new and old dead kids. Victorian and present day. We need to do something about them, and Alena needs me to do it. This whole gathering is about that. But this is not about her dead kids (I say it with utmost respect and veneration). She has none in a dream i think? or maybe she will become a momma! God i hope so.
He keeps telling me to go. I notice how malicious (not like k.'s husband of the same name i dont want to use), probably protectively (so, just like me??), he is towards me. He is mean. He thinks im still a threat. To his relationship. To their relationship. I dont think i am. I dont think she needs me anymore. He is good enough and he can protect her from anything, incl. things i cant. He is better. thats me thinking right now. (oh,and i put on a light hoodie i think and a jacket. hoodie of my momm, that i was wearing when i went to K.. So, is this about me being the one she cheats with? is THAT the hope? i..)
ps about prt one: Same kinda dream .. SIMILAR, was about Rimma and her bf. And how "She deserves better", and is in danger. Except this time the guy wasnt a danger to HER, only a threat to me. Which is fine by me, as long as she is safe and happy. So these are self-serving dreams.

Part two the graves.
Me and two other boys are running and jumping from long stone to long stone. I realize they are coffin lids, COFFINS, and i think maybe then instead of a lead, i become the led, a.. OH NO, not then. We jump relatively together, in one line. they are in front at the beginning but i catch up. but also im in front too. they catch up. Its easy to runjump! Im a bit surprised i can do it that well. Then I  get to the end of it? or to the end of the part, and i jump off, onto a stone plate with a dent, which i want to step on when i land. But i miss a bit. I decide i can go back up, these people dont mind, these two or three. So i do. I get up there and jump off (and forward) again, this time landing my right foot ALMOSt on the det, i land the arch. or the ball of my foot. I immediately feel YES feeling, but then No.. feeling, bc its not clear enough i did it! (exl point is bc ive just realized THIS, CLEAR ENOUGH, A PROOF ENOUGH, was the reason for many quirks of my ocd touching thing). But also YES it is! and i decide not to do it. YEs, swear I, i wont!  (its not how i iagined but it just as valid so i say yes)
While i was jumping stone to stone i thought WAIT these are graves! And is it ok to jump on them?? i guess! they are really old. Ghosts no longer occupy them. or something. its ok
We go, and promtly see MANY stone coffins. a gradient of sizes from the big adult ones. Half sizes. Smaller. Infant sizes... Infant sizes....

Dead kids .. 
But we need these coffins. Alena, she needs them for something . So i go along with the guys. They lead me. (i sw these coffins in rows - adult, 3/4 adult like when u resize something theres a ghost of former size until u unclick? thats how one row was)

I keep thinking how right or wrong this is. Can i touch the coffins? is this gonna affect me negatively? but then we come across several open ones. Theres but dust inside, everything ele is gone. Maybe decay, maybe corpses were taken by parents. Anyway this is now ok to use again. Maybe these were rented/not-for-eternity anyway. So we are just doing the same thing that was done to these coffins before.
Утятница. Thats what they remind me of, the one under kitchen table is now open, as i write this, so this is an open coffin. But these arent utyatnisas.
We come across one open and really old. It was a coffin of a boy. I know it. We know we will take it to Alena. I look at it and dont feel malice. No spirits lurking, no curse, no dark energy. Just an empty space that was populated by grief over a dead child, who now was taken back to family i think. He is not alone. He is not far away from his family. This is not a sad coffin. We take it, i wake up as they start

I hope to Universe, God or Gods, Love, and Nature, that Alena becomes a happy Mother of her own kids. 


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