Breadcrumbs of Dreams Past

 I am on the balcony and guys screamm to me about Where to find something i think. I tell or something. They are glad. I show the horns they cheer. I am on the vasily balcony. I think about how SCARY AS FUCK it would be to stand on the railing HERE, It would unimaginable. I shudder. I AM there.  I am so high above the ground it pains me.

I am on dacha, i suddenly have a cultivator machine. I try it, it works, its easy to operate. I churn earth, i switch speeds, NOW it works great and fast. A big portion of our land is done, the rest is getting done slower, i switch back and forth between speeds. on the first it barely does anything. on the highest i am afraid it will cut my arm off. Arm off. I keep imagining it snapping back at me.
There are neighbours present.
Its night, moonlight.
It feels a bit magical.
I churn earth, I prepare for planting, for harvest.


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