🎶Message on the Carpet Yeah Yeah!🎶

 Oh yea, the dream from yesterday about A, talking to me, to us, via the carpet on my wall. She is affectionate and misses us, me. Then theres a cold, distant A, who talks without much emotion, she is married to a Middle eastern/caucasian man in ... that arabic hat. He gets suspicious about the framed photo of her I hold in my hands. I hold it hard, the frame gets a little bent. I tell him we are friends, WE love her, she loves US, and we desire for her and HIM to be happy, bc we are friends and love [THEM?]. anyway i lie thru my teeth, with the usual feeling i have when i do suck up to someone powerful.
He believes i think. 
And when i look at the photo again, its her, the heart is in the front, her legs are naked and her butt is in undies, pink, and i marvel at the photo and the fact that he didnt react to that in any way (even tho i showed him, put it right in front of his face). Anyway.
I keep try to see the secret message on the carpet, and the first time- easy. i dont read it as such, the words the words appear in my mind. the second -  also not too hard. The third i try, and the fourth i dont think i succeed. I look at the yellow shapes, and i know the message must be there, i yearn to read it, to  finish reading her words, they speak in her voice in my mind. SPOKE! bc i cant find them. Where is your message my love. Where are you. I miss you


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