yesterday ive installed a faucet, with moms help.

a dream where i use a underwater propeller (from Propell. its a handhelp device. u know hte kind). and it works! the steadier and longer i keep it running the faster. i need to either outrun someone or something, or dodge. also i try to use my feet to paddle, to go even faster. and it WORKS!!! but its like with the knees - hard to keep them going, its UNCOFMORTABLE TO THE STATE OF INCORPOREAL PAIN, i feel them being slow, slowing, and i force them, or RATHER i ignore them being slower and paddle them faster. and IT WORKS!!!. AND I SUCCEED IN THIS DREAM

another dream. me and abuser are sent by my fam to go get soemthing. we are NOT on our bikes, but we walk them. like Bill Denbrough.i look at him, and am upset i have to be near him. i immediately decide to avoid as much contact as i can. silence! non connection on emotional level. even tho he seems to want it, to seek it. 
I drive my bike, a beefy, green, sports bike, a muscle bike even, pretty one, bent, like i did with that trolley that had human skin dirt on its main handle. i was walking it by the metal rods. touching my chest to it. idk why. he didnt. his was a red? one, skinny, less impressive, more agressive, but weaker. 
we were walking down the wide road, on the pedestrian walkway.

an older dream (yesterday) i have poured (?) salive with my tongue into my throat but i can barely swallow. and then i CANT SWALLOW. and at one point i just flow it back in my mouth.  it has something to do with my todays dream about swimming with the propeller


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