Escaping the Medical Cult

 We got inside a medical-religious-semieldritch cult.
The resistance was fighting them to free their captives (now this included me aand those who came with me). It was opening portals where they couldnt find it. But had to relocate them of course every once in a while (eoiaw). In the end of the  dream the portal was under the bed. it was my bed irl but a bit different. It had moreblankets, sheets on it that were covering the bottom. Many have escaped with resistance's help. actually, all of those who needed to escape. I was the last one. Theres a character, a doctor, who reminds me of my grandma. But not. She is not kind inside. 
I talk to her. Then when Im alone for a lil while i am decided and sneak under the bed.(btw this is based on the movie The Cleanse i was watching last night). Head first i wiggle further in. But it stops moving me half way and i internally emotionally panic, bc my legs are out there and if they are seen they will get caught and i will get pulled out and i wont be able to escape. But i pull myself together and pull myself in fully. Openening must be in front of me, i think feel, Many things are in here, soft fabrics (based on Tide Mice nest from Hilda), and i dig around. And i have that feeling of ALmost discovering what i want to find. And i start seeing it, then more. Then more. I put my arms in and its an opening (is this a pussy? it feels like when i was in a pussy) (but this is a desired pussy, the pussy i craved an escape pussy lol). But the doctor antigrandma is there and i rotate myself and lie under the bed with my head and shoulers out, as if i just like to hang out this way, inconspiciously, its cold anyway so im keeping myself warm is all. I do it before she arrives. She arrives and talks to me. She asks me soething, maybe how i feel. I saay not bad or not good idk. I try to be as casual as i can, as inconspicious as i can. Also i see her forehead, too.. clean? too polished or soemthing. unnerving viscerally, like a rancind oil. ANd imagine grandma's big pores. And squeezing them and (but dont imagine anything coming out). And feel somehow a bit better. 
She leaves.
I decide against going head first. I go back in and find opening again. This time its more obvious, more easily accessible, more open. I feel afraid of diving right in, especially without seeing where i am diving in TO, but i do it anyway and a wave of exhiliration washes over me. I slide inside! I feel a relief coming over me. I look back, around, and Oscar Isaac, a big part of resistance, is getting out of the opening and outside from under the bed, he confronts the guards, he and someone else are out there. He is getting captured, but he buys us all time and freedom. I realize i cant help him, he will be shot soon, and his comrade, and i and someone else, dive in. I come through  muted-colored and colored strings.Sliding further. And as we do colorful, rainbow strings, like drawstrings+tentacles encompass my view, i dont fully like them but its ok, i recall that thats how it is supposed to be at first here. And i make emotional peace with this. Through them i see Oscar being captured, captive and i know he is done for but its ok, he chose to do this and help us all. I get deeper. I know i am safe, i am free. (when im still under the bed, the first time i sense a powerful desire TO BE FREE)


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